The first part of chapter 12 of Hello World introduces lists and tuples. There are also other types that use the square-bracket notation in some way.
Two miscellaneous things about indices. First, you can
use -1
as the index of the last element of a
list, -2
as the second last, and so on.
Second, len()
gives the size of a list or other
sequential type.
Tuples is a more specialized relative of lists. They look the same, except for round brackets instead of square. The important difference is that a tuple is immutable.
Any list can be converted to a tuple, and any tuple into a list. Why use tuples at all? The reason lies in implementation. Tuple operations are faster, because they don't have to allow for mutability. Even though it doesn't matter for simple programs, Python syntax is designed to take advantage of the immutability where possible. Hence the distinction between lists and tuples.
One other difference is that tuples can appear implicitly, even without the round-bracket notation. For example
x,y = y,x
exchanges two variables.
Still more specialized are generators. A generator is like a
drip-feed that gives you elements one at a time rather than a whole
list. A useful example is enumerate()
which makes tuples
of list elements with their indices. The said tuples are available
one at a time, in a for loop. Try these examples:
bases = ['A','T','C','G'] for x in enumerate(bases): print x for i,b in enumerate(bases): print i,b for i in range(len(bases)): print i,bases[i]
The three for
loops are equivalent, but the ones
using enumerate
are a little more readable.
Chapter 21 of Hello World is devoted to strings. But following are some particularly useful features.
Just as with lists and tuples, you can take a single character or a slice out of a string, using the square-bracket notation. Here's an example of slicing.
"It's pining for the fjords."[5:-1]
A string can be split up into a list. To see how this this works, try the following.
s = "It's pining for the fjords." s.split() s.split('f') s = "It's pining for the fjords." s.split()
Incidentally, the fragment also illustrates two syntactic features
of Python (also of some other languages, including C++ and Java).
First, the dot syntax: this is object oriented notation, meaning that
something is being done to s
. Second, the empty
parentheses: if we want to split about blank, we can simply leave the
argument out.
A list of strings can be joined into a single string, as follows.
l = s.split() ' '.join(l)
The notation here is rather odd, but it emphasizes
that join
is the inverse of split
A less drastic string operation than split is partition. In contrast to split, it generates a tuple. The following example will show you what it does.
s = 'I am shocked -- shocked to find \ that gambling is going on in here.' print s.partition('shocked')
By the way, the backslash \
is a way of extending an
input line.
Another useful string operation is translate
, which
gives a new string with some characters replaced. The simplest kind
of replacement is replacement with nothing, or removal, as here.
s = 'A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' print s.translate(None,'AEIOUaeiou')
With the string operation replace
only one replacement can be made.
However, in contrast to translate
, a substring of more than one character can be replaced.
s = 'A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' print s.replace('brown','red')
Solve this
challenge. The challenge is stated as a riddle, and you will need some
lateral thinking to see what it is that you are being asked to do.
Once that is clear, you can write a program to do it. The
and translate
operations, as well as the source code
(extension has been changed from .html to .txt) may be
The peptide atlas contains proteomics data on several organisms and tissues. Comma-separated text files (csv format) with human brain proteins and human plasma proteins were obtained from the peptide atlas. The first lines of the files contain headers. Each consecutive line contains different data for each protein identified, starting with the biosequence name. This is a protein identifier that protein atlas acquired from other databases.
For this question there are some warmup problems.
Generate lists of biosequence names for proteins
that have been found in the brain and in the plasma,
respectively. Compare these lists and generate the following console output:
Common biosequences:
<print list here>
Brain specific biosequences:
<print list here>
Plasma specific biosequences:
<print list here>
Number of common biosequences: ...
Number of brain specific biosequences: ...
Number of plasma specific biosequences: ...
Submit the program
An array (full name numpy.ndarray
) is a data type
defined by a library rather than in core Python. Arrays do not appear
in Hello World or in most other books on Python, because
their use is rather specific to scientific computing. In numerical
work, one often wants to do the same operation on many different
operations at once, and that is what arrays facilitate. When printed,
arrays look like lists without commas, but they work rather
One way to create an array is the following:
from numpy import linspace x = linspace(0,3,7)
Try a few examples to see exactly what the arguments
to linspace()
Now try these.
a = linspace(-1,1,5) a[0] = 1 b = a + a a += 2 a *= 2
and print at each stage to see what happens. As you can see, arrays implement vector arithmetic.
One subtlety to be aware of is illustrated by the following.
a = linspace(-1,1,5) b = a c = 1*a b[0] = 26
As you can see by printing, b
is just a synonym
for a
whereas c
is an independent copy.
An array can also be created using zeros or using array. Try these.
from numpy import zeros, array a = zeros(6) b = 6*[2] # b is list b = array(b) # now b is an array
It is possible to change values within an array, but, in contrast to lists, it is not possible to add new elements, nor to remove elements. Indexing and slicing works the same for arrays and lists. Compared to lists, arrays are often more suitable for carrying out calculations.
Add up the numbers in these lists (result: [14,8,12,7]). Do this without and with
using arrays. Try to make the code as short as possible.
If you want to know more about arrays, this tutorial gives information about creating, reshaping, indexing, etc.
The second part of chapter 12 introduces another Python data type: dictionaries. The most important features are summarized here. The name 'dictionary' is slightly misleading, because a Python dictionary has no ordering. It is like a heap of cards, each with a word and its meaning. Thus, unlike sequences, dictionaries are not indexed by a range of numbers. Instead, they are indexed by keys, which are usually strings or numbers. It is best to think of a dictionary as an unordered set of key: value pairs, with the requirement that the keys within a library are unique.
An empty dictionary can be created by a pair of braces. A new key: value pair can directly be added like in this example:
cdn = {} cdn['ttt'] = 'F phenylalanine' cdn['ttc'] = 'F phenylalanine' cdn['tta'] = 'L leucine'
This is equivalent to:
cdn = {} cdn['ttt'] = cdn['ttc'] = 'F phenylalanine' cdn['tta'] = 'L leucine'
Individual elements can be accessed as cdn['ttc']
so on. As for lists, the ‘in’ keyword can be used for dictionaries. A key:value
pair can be removed using del:
del cdn['ttt']
The values can be of different types, such as strings or lists. If the value is a list, functions to manipulate lists can be applied to it, like in this example:
DNA_fragments={} DNA_fragments['mouse']=[] DNA_fragments['mouse'].append('ACTTAAT') DNA_fragments['mouse'].append('GCATGGC')
The standard genetic code is conveniently expressed in a Python dictionary.
cdn = {} cdn['ttt'] = cdn['ttc'] = 'F phenylalanine' cdn['tta'] = cdn['ttg'] = 'L leucine' cdn['tct'] = cdn['tcc'] = cdn['tca'] = cdn['tcg'] = 'S serine' cdn['tat'] = cdn['tac'] = 'Y tyrosine' cdn['taa'] = cdn['tag'] = ' ' cdn['tgt'] = cdn['tgc'] = 'C cysteine' cdn['tga'] = ' ' cdn['tgg'] = 'W tryptophan' cdn['ctt'] = cdn['ctc'] = cdn['cta'] = cdn['ctg'] = 'L leucine' cdn['cct'] = cdn['ccc'] = cdn['cca'] = cdn['ccg'] = 'P proline' cdn['cat'] = cdn['cac'] = 'H histidine' cdn['caa'] = cdn['cag'] = 'Q glutamine' cdn['cgt'] = cdn['cgc'] = cdn['cga'] = cdn['cgg'] = 'R arginine' cdn['att'] = cdn['atc'] = cdn['ata'] = 'I isoleucine' cdn['atg'] = 'M methionine' cdn['act'] = cdn['acc'] = cdn['aca'] = cdn['acg'] = 'T threonine' cdn['aat'] = cdn['aac'] = 'N asparagine' cdn['aaa'] = cdn['aag'] = 'K lysine' cdn['agt'] = cdn['agc'] = 'S serine' cdn['aga'] = cdn['agg'] = 'R arginine' cdn['gtt'] = cdn['gtc'] = cdn['gta'] = cdn['gtg'] = 'V valine' cdn['gct'] = cdn['gcc'] = cdn['gca'] = cdn['gcg'] = 'A alanine' cdn['gat'] = cdn['gac'] = 'D aspartic acid' cdn['gaa'] = cdn['gag'] = 'E glutamic acid' cdn['ggt'] = cdn['ggc'] = cdn['gga'] = cdn['ggg'] = 'G glycine'
For this question there is a warmup problem.
Write a program that, starting from
the cdn
dictionary above, generates a sort of inverse
dictionary. That is, it computes a new dictionary aacid
such that aacid['glycine']
gives the
list ['ggt','ggc','gga','ggg']
and so on.
Submit the program
>>>a=6 >>>id(a) 4298187248Different names can refer to the same value at the same location:
>>>b=a >>>print b 6 >>>id(b) 4298187248In case immutable types are being changed, a new value is stored at a new position. If the old value was also attached to another name, it will not change and the old name will still be attached to it:
>>>a=7 >>>id(a) 4298187224 >>>print b 6 >>>id(b) 4298187248Immutable types include int, float, and str. Immutable collections include tuples. In contrast to immutable types, it is possible to change mutable types, while keeping the same identity. Thus, if the same value is attached to different names, the other names will also refer to the changed value:
>>>a=[6] >>>b=a >>>a[0]=7 >>>id(a) 4410098320 >>>id(b) 4410098320 >>>print b [7]If a variable is defined anew instead of being mutated, it will obtain another identity:
>>>a=[6] >>>id(a) 4407452520 >>>b=a >>>a=[7] >>>id(a) 4410098320 >>>print b [6] >>>id(b) 4407452520
Mutable collections include lists, dictionaries and arrays.
a = [3,6,2] b = a b[2]=8 b=[3]
a = linspace(-1,1,5) b = a c = 1*a b[0] = 26
a=[3,2,4] b=[7,a] c=a[:] d=b[:] b[1][0]=10 b[0]=6 a[2]=50
In case you want to set one variable equal to another one, but you do not want them to share any ids at any level anymore, the function copy.deepcopy() can be used:
import copy a=[3,2,4] b=[7,a] d=copy.deepcopy(b) b[1][0]=10 b[0]=6 a[2]=50 print 'a:',a print 'b:',b print 'd:',dgives as output:
a: [10, 2, 50] b: [6, [10, 2, 50]] d: [7, [3, 2, 4]]
import copy a=[3,2,4] b=[7,copy.deepcopy(a)] b[1][0]=10 b[0]=6 a[2]=50 print 'a:',a print 'b:',bgives as output:
a: [3, 2, 50] b: [6, [10, 2, 4]]
This section is optional.
List comprehension is a way of making a list using notation from set theory. Here is an example.
N = 28 [n for n in range(1,N) if N % n == 0]
If the code looks mysterious at first, try looking at the output and you will see what is going on.
Find the common biosequence names in brain and plasma (see above) using list comprehension.
This section is optional.
In the years between the structure of DNA being discovered and the genetic code being correctly unravelled, there were several proposals for what the genetic code could be. They are mostly forgotten now, but one is still remembered, because though it was wrong, it was very ingenious.
George Gamow guessed (correctly!) that codons of three bases would map to 20 amino acids. Then he suggested that a sequence of bases would form a sort of cage for an amino acid. Different codons would give differently shaped cages, and each shape of cage would be just right for amino acid.
Consider a codon, say ACG. On the other strand there would be TGC.
A | C | G |
T | G | C |
Now consider the inclined `diamond' ACCG made from both strands. This is what Gamow suggested might be a cage for an amino acid. Now, the 43=64 possible codons correspond to 64 possible diamonds. But some these are equivalent by symmetry. Tracing the ACCG diamond backwards, we have AGCC, and starting from the other side we have CCAG and CGAC: